Picture this.
School has just started in the South, there’s a heat index of 115, and the only place your 3rd graders have to play is a blacktop that is as torrid as the innermost circle of hell. They’ve been inside for four hours, recess has arrived, and they have a serious case of ants in their pants. You can’t take them out, so your only choice is to find some riveting indoor activity to hold their attention for the next 15 minutes.
What’s an innovative, classroom-ridden teacher to do? Why, she pulls out her iPhone, of course, and heads straight for the 80s playlist. It’s time for The Freeze Dance. Here’s how it works. You play a short clip of a song, pause the music, everyone freezes, then you press play again. It’s even more fun when you switch the song on them after the pause.
The first song you select is “Take on Me” by Aha. No one moves. No one is really quite sure how to dance to this epic 80s tune. No worries, you just move on to Madonna’s “Get Into the Groove”, and a couple of students start with a head move that’s reminiscent of A Night at the Roxbury. By the time you get to “99 Luftballoons”, you’ve got about 12 little Captain Kirks bouncing around the room.
It’s time for the grand finale. You can choose another great Madonna song or go for the kill with the Prince of Pop. Tough call, but you decide to go with “Thriller”, which is the quintessential group dance. Within seconds, you have 24 zombies staggering through your classroom and you have no choice but to join in. Forget The Freeze Dance. You’re all engaged in a full-out remake of MJ’s most famous music video. This indoor recess was a Top 40 hit!
(Photo Courtesy of http://latimesblogs.latimes.com)