Monday, January 5, 2009

the funeral of some frogs

miss ellis: oh no, it looks like all our pet frogs have died!

darius: oh miss ellis, ima have a furneral. my papaw is a preacher, he work in a furneral home. can we wait til tomorrow? ima wear my purple pimp suit!

miss ellis: darius, i think we need to have the funeral now. the classroom is starting to smell...

darius: well, i'll lead the parade!

(27 fourth graders and their teacher make their way to the bathroom)

darius: oh dear lord, we loved these frogs. they were our brothers...and maybe sisters. please bless their souls as they make their way into their toilety graves. and let the millipedes live. thank you. we love you. amen. gentlemen, you may sing the furneral song.

markeiveus, kendrick, and kwesie: lean with it, rock with it, lean with it, rock with it...amen!

mrs. mosley: miss ellis, what are you doing in here?

miss ellis: frog funeral

mrs. mosley: i see...carry on...

1 comment:

  1. This is one of those moments you see on tv....and I love it :) carry on....
